I asked for bangs that were straight, not flimsy and that covered my brows, like these (I didn't take the picture, but I mentioned time and time again I wanted them covering my brows):

My bangs are not even touching my brows!! At first, she cut them really short, so I asked for a second layer of bangs on top, a longer layer, the length that I had asked for. It is not long enough, let alone straight. They look choppy because there are longer and shorter pieces (WTF?!).
I asked that she layered my hair on the sides, from the bangs to the bottom of my hair. She layered it so lightly that you can barely see it, BUT she managed to layer one side way much than the other.
And last, but not least... I asked for copper highlights. I had them done there before, with dye. I told her what dye it was, how it turned out, that at fist it went a bit orange but then faded to a gorgeous copper. She then asked if I wanted the layers to make my hair look lighter, and I said no, I wanted them to bring out the red and copper tones in my hair, and again I mentioned the dye, she said she understood and that blond highlights would look a big fake with my brown hair. When she came back with the bowl, I assumed she knew exactly what dye I was talking about and has prepared, since I was so thorough with the explanation. Turns out, it was BLEACH! I have BLONDE highlights all over, and they DO NOT look good on my hair color, on me, it just looks trashy.
And why didn't I say a thing, you asked? I went to a hairdressing school, she was a student. She was already freaking out over cutting so much of my length, I didn't want to stress her out more. I went there many times and never had an issue. Usually the teachers are roaming the room, helping the girls and talk to them and you about what you want and how they should do it, but yesterday, the teacher was doing silicone extensions and couldn't help the girls. I've once had a girl who didn't know how to do the side swept bang I wanted or how to layer my hair to frame my face, and she called her teacher, who explained it to her while she did it, it turned out wonderful. I kind of expected the students to ask for help when they have troubles and are in way over their heads with something. I went there because it was cheaper than going elsewhere and I never had issues, BUT turns out, I'm going to have to spend MORE money because I have to go somewhere else to fix this. I already called a hairdresser I fully trust to see if he can sort this mess out today, because it is not layered, its not straight and it doesn't flatter me AT ALL.
Wish me luck!
oh quando cortei o cabelo, nao foi numa escola, foi no forum lol, mas tambem cortaram a franja mais curta do que eu pedi e um lado ficou mais comprido do que o outro!
ResponderEliminardeixa la... volta a crescer!!!
e agora sou eu que corto a minha franja hehe fica melhor :)
Olá Nádia, é a Marina da faculdade! Não sabia que também andavas por estas bandas :) Conheci o teu blog através do blog Ana's Space. Como estás?
ResponderEliminarQuanto ao teu post, também queria ver se dava alguma vida ao meu cabelo mas tenho receio que me aconteça o que se passou contigo. Já agora, maquilhas-te MUITO bem! Bora fazer uns cursos???
Beijinho e tudo de bom
ResponderEliminarObrigada pelo comment sobre a CCB Pearl da MAC, eu sou branquinha mas de qualquer forma o melhor é passar pela loja e experimentar antes de mais aventuras :P
Espero que o teu cabelo neste momento já se encontre recuperado das maldades que lhe fizeram! Se há coisa que eu não faço é ir a um cabeleireiro que não seja da minha TOTAL confiança! Medoooo medoooo,muito medo!! Posso dizer-te que vivo em Lx durante o ano lectivo e nunca pus os pés num cabeleireiro aqui!
Bjinhos :D***