So, as promised, here is the post about the items I ordered from I first heard of this seller on Specktra, when she sold items on EBay as closetmustgo. She decided to switch to this website, she has lots of brands, all authentic, and at great discount prices, specially for those who are outside the US. Shipping was not the cheapest, but it wasn't that expensive, specially taking in consideration the amount of items I got. She posted it the day after I paid, and it only took a week go get here. She's really nice as well and answers emails really fast. OK, so, onto the goodies! All swatches on NC20 skin, on natural sunlight, and all pictures are clickable thumbnails.
The envelope it came in (andresses edited for obvious reasons)

There was a box inside the envelope (not quite sure why she didn't just mail the box)

And inside that box, there was... yet another box! (this reminds of Russian Matreoshka dools). It came all wrapped in bubble wrap, it's the box from the Stila set I ordered.

And inside that box was... an envelope! (are you still following me?)

And besides the envelope, there were also some items wrapped in pink paper

The items from the Stila Ulta-Mate set (or A-lister set, it's the same) were in the paper. The set contains: 4 eyeshadows, one sample sized Convertible Color in Peony, Illuminating Tinted Moisturiser shade 1, one Lip Glaze in Ulta-Mate pink, and a Major Lash Mascara. Great value for $22! I killed a LOT of birds with one stone on this one: I need a mascara, was hunting a tinted moisturiser, and wanted to try Kitten eyeshadow and Lip Glazes. A whole lotta lemmings killed at once, no?

The eyeshadows in the set. Kitten scared me because all I could see in the plastic was loose eyeshadow. I was thinking it had complety broke, but thankfully, it was just a tiny chunk.

Eyeshadow swatches! L-R: Mystic, Kitten, Wheat & Golightly. Mystic seem to be the less pingmented of the bunch. All of them are buttery soft and creamy. Wheat is very frosty!

Swatches of the other items! L-R, T-B: Illuminating Tinted Moisturizer not blended, Illuminating Tinted Moisturizer blended (you can't see a thing), Convertible Color in Peony and Lip Glaze in UltaMate pink.

Remember the yellow envelope? Here's what was inside it! There were two groups of items snuggly wrapped. Group number 1:

Hm.... What is it? Maybe... pigment samples? :D

Jardin Aires

Your Ladyship


Reflects Transparent Teal (glitter sample). I was nicely surprised with the texture of this, I was expecting something chunky, but it is very finely milled... and oh-so pretty!

Now, together, everyone! (L-R: Jardin Aires, Your Ladyship, Fairylite, Reflects Transparent Teal). The colors in the pic are pretty true to real life.

No, I'm not done yet! There's still one more group of stuff to see... yes, more MAC!! Eversun Beauty Powder Blush, Date Night Dazzleglass, Bountiful Plushglass, and Girl About Town lipstick.

Eversun beauty powder blush HEAVILY swatched. Yes, you do have to go lightly on this one, unless you want to look like Oompa-Loompa. With a light hand, it's very pretty and surprisingly flattering on my complexion.

Girl About Town lipstick. I just had to post this one. That's a really hot pink, fuscia color. Really bright. Gorgeous! I can't wait to wear it, but it seems a bit too much for daytime, so I'm waiting to go out at night somewhere to use this baby!

All the MAC lip products. L-R: Girl About Town lipstick, Bountiful Plushglass (not really the color I thought it was, looks a bit odd on me, and the smell is really offputting), Date Night Dazzleglass (look at that shimmer and blue glitter! Truly unique)

I'm really glad with the items I got. I particularly liked the Stila shadows and the tinted moisturiser has decent coverage for moisturiser. I still have to apply concealer on the criticial areas (yes, dark circles and flushed cheeks from this nasty heat, I'm talking about YOU!), but otherwise, it evens out my skin pretty nicely. Hope you enjoyed the pictures and thanks for looking!